Gavin Richards
LPCC, EMDR Trained
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about how I work.
You are reading this for many reasons, but I know you have been struggling and looking to find help. My work encompasses many facets of achieving emotional resolution, and I am confident in this domain. I’ve discovered, cultivated, and continue to mature a strong love and passion for psychotherapy and positive change.
I will wholly accept you on your own terms while simultaneously refusing to settle for those terms. I anticipate to see profound change in my clients from the depths of struggling, suffering, and strife to thriving, peace, and self actualization.
You can expect our relationship to be collaborative, safe, confidential, emphatic, understanding, respectful, compassionate, insightful, challenging, and authentic.
My work is rooted in a rich and eclectic history of psychotherapy, with a commitment to continued education. I bring openness and acceptance to every situation and person, approaching each therapeutic relationship with genuine curiosity and a desire to understand.
Let’s Connect