MFTC, EMDR, The Gottman Method
I’m a marriage and family therapist. I also love working with individuals. I am deeply passionate about helping families, couples and individuals learn how to build healthier relationships while also working on establishing increased levels of self-care, self-esteem, self-regulation and overall improved patterns of communication. My work focuses on targeting ineffective patterns of communication and behaviors with an emphasis on development of self-regulation tools. I believe in taking a collaborative approach to helping clients reach their goals. You are the expert of your life!
I’m committed to helping anyone struggling with anxiety, self-esteem, depression, PTSD, grief loss or interpersonal relationships. I am EMDR and Gottman trained. I often utilize mindfulness, meditation, mantras and other self-soothing techniques to best help anyone I am fortunate enough to work with.
If you’re interested in scheduling a consultation with me, reach out and I will be more than willing to join you on your journey and create a helpful, non-judgmental counselling environment together!
Supervised and Trained by Zina Ortiz
Southeast Denver
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Elephant In The Room LLC, Zina Ortiz and affiliated team of clinicians fully comply with all local and Colorado State cannabis laws, and all federal regulations. We are a harm reduction service and education company. We do not promote illegal activities or provide resources for obtaining illegal substances or illegal psychedelic psychotherapy services. As a psychedelic harm reduction business we do not support the misuse or abuse of cannabis, any other drug, or psychedelic medicine. Nor do we believe that cannabis or psychedelic medicine exploration, even within the confines of applicable laws, is appropriate or beneficial for everyone.
We are conditional advocates for intentional, sacred and non-habitual cannabis use and legal psychedelic practices. Elephant In The Room LLC, Zina Ortiz and affiliated team of clinicians do not provide or sell cannabis for any aspect of our program, and it is not a retailer, supplier, reseller, distributor, agent, representative or subcontractor of any cannabis supplier or retailer. Any decision by you or another Elephant In The Room LLC, Zina Ortiz and affiliated team of clinicians participant to purchase or accept such products from a vendor or individual outside of our program is a decision made at your sole discretion.
Elephant In The Room LLC, Zina Ortiz and affiliated team of clinicians do not and do not intend to provide supplier, retailer, or distributor services or act in any manner as a cannabis vendor or retailer. Elephant In The Room LLC and Zina Ortiz disclaim all responsibility or liability for any sale of cannabis voluntarily provided to you by such vendors. Please direct any inquiries about our services to
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